Rabu, 29 Juni 2016

Question Tag

Question tags are short questions at the end of statements. They are mainly used in speech when we want to:
  •  confirm that something is true or not, or
  • to encourage a reply from the person we are speaking to.
Question tags are formed with the auxiliary or modal verb from the statement and the appropriate subject.
positive statement is followed by A negative question tag.
Positif tag = Auxiliary Verb + PronounNurwidyastuti is Japanese, isn’t she ?
negative statement is followed by A positive question tag.
They aren’t funny, are they?
Negatif tag = Auxiliary Verb + Not + PronounExample Question tag with tenses :
1. Simple Present you play the cheese, don’t you ?
2. Present Future I'm hard work, aren't I ?3. Present PerfectLany's studied for tradisional dance, hasn’t she ?
4.  Present Continuous Budy's teaching a student, isn’t he ?
5. Present Future PerfectNovi will have be student SMAN 10 high school next month, won’t she ?
6.Present Future ContinuousNurlela will be swimming in the morning, won’t she ?
7. Present Perfect ContinuousAini’s been drinking all potato’s, hasn’t she ?
8. Present Future PerfectHe will have been telling me the truth, won’t you ?
9. Simple Past He seldom a takebath,doesn't he ?10. Past Future You father’d go to office by train, wouldn’t he ?
11. Past PerfectDedi’d repaired lany cars before she received his mechanics license, hadn’t he ?
12. Past ContinuousAnytime should be ready, shouldn't it ?13. Past Future ContinuousNingsih’d be cleaning the house, wouldn’t she ?
14. Past Future PerfectDoni'd have watched horor movies, wouldn’t he ?
15. Past Perfect Continuoushe’d been playing football since 7 o’clock int the morning, hadn’t she ?
16. Past Future Perfect ContinuousNoni’d have been listening to the music for 15 minutes, wouldn’t she ?

Minggu, 05 Juni 2016

Contoh Artikel Temtang Perekonomian "Rise of the Shadow Economy: Second Largest Economy in the World"

The fact that the shadow economy, or the black market or underground economy, is on the rise in the middle of a global financial crisis should be no surprise to economists.
A recent post on Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner’s Freakonomics blog discussed the growth of the shadow economy across the world. The post claims that the shadow economy is the second largest in the world. Freakonomics: “In 2009, the OECD concluded that half the world’s workers (almost 1.8 billion people) were employed in the shadow economy. By 2020, the OECD predicts the shadow economy will employ two-thirds of the world’s workers. This new economy even has a name: ‘System D’.”

In a recent article for Foreign Policy magazine, Robert Neuwirth argues that “the $10 trillion global black market is the world’s fastest growing economy — and its future”. Neuwirth discusses that the phrase “System D” comes from a slang phrase used in French-speaking Africa and the Caribbean. The “D” stands for the French word “debrouillard”. Neuwirth: “To say a man is a debrouillard is to tell people how resourceful and ingenious he is.” Thus, self-starting entrepreneurs who go out on their own for business purposes without being regulated by bureaucracy and/or without paying taxes are part of “l’economie de la debrouillardise”, or “Systeme D” on the street.
According to Neuwirth, System D was once small with simple street merchants. In time, trade within System D has globalized and expanded. Neuwirth claims that System D is now where the jobs are.
Though being the black market, System D is not limited to the likes of Tony Soprano, Michael Corleone, and Rico Bandello. In comparing System D to the US market, Neuwirth claims that “kids selling lemonade from the sidewalk in front of their houses are part of System D”. As are vendors at flea markets, roadside farm stands, and swap meets. Neuwirth writes that System D is a global phenomenon, transporting products across the planet ranging from machinery to computers to mobile phones.
According to Neuwirth, “System D is growing faster than any other part of the economy, and it is an increasing force in world trade”. As such, System D “will be crucial for the development of cities in the 21st century”.
What is the total value of System D?
Neuwirth explains that based on estimates, the total value of System D globally is close to $10 trillion. In comparison, the US has a GDP of $14 trillion. Thus, were System D a sovereign nation, it would be an economic superpower — the second largest economy in the world.
Neuwirth contends that System D is the wave of the future for the global economy. From street selling to unlicensed trade to compensation under-the-table, many workers are off the grid. According to Neuwirth, System D is opening up the economy and providing new opportunities for those seeking income through labor.
Though the black market has historically been cast in a negative light, Neuwirth believes that System D is giving workers an avenue to embrace their entrepreneurial spirit. Neuwirth: “Even in the most difficult and degraded situation, System D merchants are seeking to better their lives.”
Sumber :


Contoh Kalimat Yang Menggunakan "Modal Auxiliaries"

Loaded gun at her heart, you can’t shame me.
Loving can hurt sometimes.
Even if i had had more time, i could’t have traveled around the world.
Had better
We had better break this relation.
And if i can’t eat the piglets you may as well plant me at once and raise catsup.
If you could see a way it might be possible, then it must be possible.
And you must have better manners, Eureka, or something worse will happen to you.
Ought to
A woman your age ought to be looking for a husband – or already married, not chasing all over creation in pants, trying to act like a man
Any parent or infant children of deceased parents may set apart personal estate not exceeding $1818 in value which shall be exempt from execution.
One drop should be enough.
In this post, we willl review the definition of a verb and different verb phrases.
I would wait forever, exulted in the seam.

Jumat, 08 April 2016

Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif

Simple Present
Aktif :  S + V1 + O
Pasif : O + tobe + V3
I read the message
The message is read by me
Present Future
Aktif : S + will + V1 + O
Pasif : O + Will + be + V3
My friend will give me that gift
That gift will be given by my friend
Present Perfect
Aktif : S + Have/Has + V3 + O
Pasif : O + Have/Has + been + V3
Victoria have designed the dress
The dress has been designed by victoria
Present Continuous
Aktif : S + tobe + V-ing + O
Pasif : O + tobe + being + V3
You  are sewing my curtains
My curtains are being sewed by you
Present Future Perfect
Aktif : S + Will + Have + V3 + O
Pasif : O + Will + Have + been + V3
Zuhair Murad will have designed that wedding gown
That wedding gown will have been designed by Zuhair Murad
Present Future Continuous
Aktif : S + Will + Have + been + V-ing
Pasif : O + Will + Have + been + being + V3
Shapira will have been drawing the picture
The picture will have been being  drawn by Shapira
Present Perfect Continuous
Aktif : S + Have/Has + been + V-ing + O
Pasif : O + Have/Has + been + being + V3
Shakina have been cleaning the room
The room has been being cleaned by Shakina
Present Future Perfect Continuous
Aktif : S + Will + Have + been + V-ing + O
Pasif : O + Will + Have + been + being + V3
Nadine will have been seeing the beach
The beach will have been seen by nadine
Simple Past
Aktif : S + V2 + O
Pasif : O + tobe + V3
Aluna bought the house
The house wasbought by Aluna
Past Future
Aktif : S + Would + V1 + O
Pasif : O + Would + be + V3
Alexa would return that money
That money would be returned by Alexa
Past Perfect
Aktif : S + Had + V3 + O
Pasif : O + Had + been + V3
Tere Liye had written the novel
The novel had been written by Tere Liye
Past Continuous
Aktif : S + tobe (was/were) + V-ing + O
Pasif : O + tobe (was/were) + being + V3
I was sewing my first dress in 2012
In 2012 my first dress being  sewed by me
Past Future Perfect
Aktif : S + Would + Have + V3 + O
Pasif : O + Would + Have + been + V3
Riana would have made the history
The history would have been made by Riana
Past Future Continuous
Aktif : S + Would + be + V-ing
Pasif : O + Would + be + being + V3
Hanna would befixing the computer
The computer would be being fixed by Hanna
Past Perfect Continuous
Aktif : S + Had + been + V-ing + O
Pasif : O + Had + been + being + V3
Audrey had been waiting that man
That man had been  being waited by Audrey
Past Future Perfect Continuous
Aktif : S + Would + Have + been + V-ing + O
Pasif : O + Would + Have + been + being + V3
Ameera would have been sewing the cape
The cape would have been sewed by Ameera

Kamis, 10 Maret 2016

Contoh karangan dalam bentuk Past Tense

I was born in Pacitan, East Java on 18 november 1994. I was born and grew up there. I finished my primary school, secondary school and vocational school  there. But when I am going to continue my education to university, I moved to Bekasi West Java.

One of the reasons I moved was because I failed to get the university of my own choice in the area of ​​Yogyakarta. A little story,  at first when I was studying in a vocational high school with a major in tata busana (fashion) , I have a dream to become a teacher. Hence my dream, I was once enrolled in universitiy in Yogyakarta region at department of fashion education. But apparently I failed in the acceptance test. Like it or not I should continue my education at the university although it is not my choice.

Finally I followed my parents choose, to enroll in university in the area of ​​Bekasi. Because the university is not the subject that I wanted, I decided to choose the management department. Initially I was not sure to take this course, but I am still learning so that my education was not in vain. Time passed, now that I am at level 4 semester 8. I had to complete the final project at the end of this semester called thesis. My supervisor told me to take the theme of valuations, and I plan to make the textile industry as the subject of my final assignment.

I hope I can finish my assignment, complete my education and get a job that can make my life better.

Grew                     :          Tumbuh
Finished                :          Menyelesaikan
Moved                  :           Pindah
Enrolled               :           Mendaftar
Followed              :           Mengikuti
Wanted                 :           Menginginkan

Decided                :           Memutuskan

Jumat, 08 Januari 2016

Contoh kasus etika bisnis bab 1-5

Contoh Kasus :  Etika Moral

Malang, gadis dikubur hidup hidup ayah sendiri

Citizen6, Jakarta Masalah kekerasan terhadap perempuan akhir-akhir ini memang menjadi sorotan. Bukan saja disebabkan makin beragamnya kasus kekerasan yang dialami perempuan, namun intensitasnya pun makin mengkhawatirkan.
Sayangnya, kekerasan terhadap perempuan ini masih kerap terjadi di Indonesia hingga dialami para perempuan di penjuru dunia. Menurut data dari Komnas Perempuan tahun 2013, diketahui telah terjadi 279.760 kasus kekerasan terhadap perempuan di Indonesia.
Tindak kekerasan perempuan ini bahkan dilakukan oleh orang-orang terdekat dan umumnya pelaku adalah laki-laki. Nah, baru-baru ini juga terjadi kasus yang dialami seorang anak perempuan berusia 10 tahun di Tripura, India yang dikubur secara hidup-hidup oleh ayahnya, dilansir viralnova.com pada Jumat (23/1/2015).
Diketahui, perbuatan keji itu dilakukan oleh Abdul Hussein yang sengaja mengubur putrinya di sebuah taman dekat rumah. Kejadian berlangsung saat sang istri pergi keluar rumah, dengan cepat Hussein melancarkan aksinya dengan mengikat tangan dan menutup mulut sang anak lalu mulai menguburnya.
Tak lama kemudian istri Hussein pulang dan segera menanyakan keberadaan putrinya, beruntungnya si anak diselamatkan oleh tetangga yang mendengar tangisan seorang gadis dan segera menyelamatkannya. Mengetahui aksi Hussein, para tetangga pun langsung melaporkan kasus tersebut ke polisi terdekat.
Polisi pun langsung menangkap Hussein setelah ia dipukuli oleh tetangganya. Hussein dinyatakan telah melakukan percobaan pembunuhan dan sampai saat ini belum diketahui motifnya.


Contoh Kasus :  Teori Etika Moral
Taman Rusak karena Es Krim Gratis, Walikota Risma Marah Besar
Liputan6.com, Surabaya - Acara bagi-bagi es krim di Taman Bungkul Surabaya, Jawa Timur sekitar pukul 06.00 WIB, membuat marah Walikota Surabaya Tri Rismaharini. Sebab, taman yang pernah mendapatkan penghargaan dari PBB tersebut rusak parah.

Tri Rismaharini mengatakan, akan menuntut secara hukum pihak panitia karena acara Wall's Ice Cream Day yang diselenggarakan di Taman Bungkul, Surabaya, Minggu (11/5/2014), merusak taman kota yang telah susah payah ia bangun bersama warganya.
Dengan penuh amarah, Risma mendatangi stand panitia sambil memarahi mereka karena telah merusak taman yang dia bangun dengan dana miliaran dan juga waktu yang tidak sebentar.

"Kalian tidak punya izin ngadain ini, lihat semuanya rusak! Kami bangun ini nggak sebentar, biayanya juga nggak sedikit. Kalian seenaknya merusak. Saya akan tuntut kalian!" seru Risma sambil meninggalkan panitia Wall's yang terlihat kaget.
Namun, hal yang berbeda diungkapkan pihak panitia, terkait perizinan. Panitia mengaku telah mendapat izin, baik dari Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot), Polrestabes, dan juga Dinas terkait untuk mengadakan dan mengamankan acara.

"Izin kami sudah dapat kok. Sedangkan taman yang rusak saat ini kami sedang mendata dan akan mengganti rugi," kata Kanania Radiatni, Assisten Manager Wall's Ice Cream sebelum kedatangan Risma.
Wall's Ice Cream Day yang diselenggarakan Unilever digelar serentak di 6 kota besar, salah satunya Kota Surabaya. Dalam acara itu, mereka membagikan es krim gratis kepada warga dengan cara menukar kupon yang sebelumnya telah disebar.

Acara dimulai pukul 06.00 WIB tadi pagi dan langsung dibubarkan sejam kemudian, sekitar pukul 07.00 WIB oleh Dinas Pertamanan karena kerumunan masyarakat merusak taman kota dan menimbulkan kemacetan total.
Meski demikian, masyarakat masih terus berdatangan hingga pukul 10.00 WIB dan memadati seluruh ruas jalan yang menuju ke Taman Bungkul. Baik itu jalan protokol dari perempatan Darmo hingga perempatan Wonokromo, maupun jalan-jalan kecil di sekitar di antaranya, Progo, Jalan Serayu, Ciliwung, Cimanuk, hingga Jalan Diponegoro juga kena imbas macet.
Sementara itu, sesaat setelah kedatangan Risma, tenda Wall's sudah dibongkar dan panitia sudah tak terlihat di lokasi. (Yus)

Contoh Kasus : Etika Bisnis Yang Bersumber dari Agama
SDM Industri Syariah Indonesia Harus Terus Ditingkatkan
 12 November, 2015 - 15:50
JAKARTA, (PRLM).- Ketua Dewan Komisioner Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) Muliaman D. Hadad mengatakan, Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) industri syariah Indonesia harus terus ditingkatkan. Hal itu untuk mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi yang diyakini akan bisa menjadi sumber alternatif pembiayaan infrastruktur.
"Karena sejak 2008, industri keuangan berbasis hukum Islam ini rata-rata tumbuh 17,5 persen per tahun. Diperkirakan sampai akhir tahun volume aset finansial yang sudah diatur sesuai prinsip-prinsip syariah mencapai lebih 2 triliun dolar AS," kata Muliaman saat membuka International Conference on Islamic Finance 2015 di Jakarta, Kamis (12/11/2015).
Acara tersebut digelar OJK bersama World Bank dan Islamic Development Bank (IDB), dengan tema “Infrastructure Financing: The Unleashed Potential of Islamic Finance”.
Hal itu, ujarnya, mengingat keuangan syariah sudah menjadi bagian signifikan di ekonomi global dalam perkembangan keuangan dunia. "Artinya, kami membutuhkan ahli keuangan perbankan, sindikasi keuangan, atau pembiayaan sukuk dari capital market. Termasuk ahli dalam manajemen risiko keuangan, seperti mitigasi risiko dari asuransi," katanya.
Selain itu, lanjut Muliaman, penciptaan produk keuangan syariah sesuai karakter pembiayaan infrastruktur. Hal ini menjadi penting, mengingat Indonesia berpenduduk mayoritas Islam, namun berasal dari beraneka ragam suku.
"Kami butuh skala institusi keuangan syariah yang besar dengan modal yang kuat, untuk skala keuangan yang besar dan proyek infrastruktur yang lebih panjang. Dalam hal ini, berbagai langkah harus diselesaikan," tambahnya.
Disamping itu, Muliaman sangat berharap agar Pemerintah Daerah (Pemda) bisa mengoptimalkan dana publik melalui penerbitan obligasi untuk pembiayaan insfrastruktur di wilayahnya masing-masing.
“Selama ini pembiayaan infrastruktur di daerah lebih banyak dari sumber pembiayaan tradisional, seperti APBN, APBD dan kredit perbankan. Padahal dana tersebut bisa dihindari jika Pemda menerbitkan obligasi," urainya
Muliaman mengatakan, adanya tren perbaikan sejumlah indikator makroekonomi domestik diharapkan menjadi momentum awal bagi para stakeholder untuk mengoptimalkan pencarian sumber pembiayaan infrastruktur nontradisional. (Satrio Widianto/A-147)***


Contoh Kasus :  Privasi Konsumen

Sumber : Kompas.com
Di akses : Sabtu, 14 Nopember 2015

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Sebuah artikel di internet mengangkat tentang dugaan pelanggaran privasi yang dilakukan pengojek berbasis aplikasi. Salah satu pelanggaran adalah memanfaatkan nomor kontak pelanggan untuk hal negatif.

Apa kata para pengguna ojek aplikasi tentang hal tersebut?

Riska (24), salah satu pengguna ojek aplikasi, mengatakan, selama tiga bulan memakai ojek aplikasi, ia belum pernah mengalami hal tak menyenangkan.

"Selama ini sih aman-aman saja," kata Riska kepada Kompas.com di Jakarta, Selasa (8/9/2015). (Baca: Pengemudi Ojek Aplikasi Bicara tentang Privasi Pelanggan)

Karyawati swasta itu menyadari nomor teleponnya memang akan diketahui pengojek yang diordernya. Ini diperlukan agar pengojek dapat menghubungi pelanggan untuk mengetahui posisi bertemu.

"Pertama saya juga kaget waktu tukang ojeknya telepon terus tahu nama saya. Terus baru ingat, oh iya kan data saya tersimpan di aplikasinya," ujar Riska.

Namun, dia mengaku tidak begitu khawatir soal pelanggaran privasi. Sebab, kata Riska, kalau pun terjadi hal tersebut, dia tak akan menanggapinya. Selain itu, dia memilih melaporkan ke perusahaan layanan ojek aplikasi tersebut. (Baca: Pengojek Berbasis Aplikasi Buka-bukaan soal Order Fiktif untuk Raup Untung)

"Kalau pun ada yang iseng, ya tinggal cuekin saja, terus laporkan lewat aplikasinya. Lagian, asal sudah tahu kalau ada yang enggak jelas, ya enggak usah ditanggepin," ujar Riska.

Aprilia (26), pelanggan ojek aplikasi lainnya, mengatakan akan melaporkan jika ada pengojek yang melakukan pelanggaran privasi. "Lapor saja sama kantornya kalau iseng," ujar Aprilia. (Baca: Soal Privasi Data Penumpang, Ini Pengakuan Pengemudi Go-Jek)

Karyawati yang tinggal di Bekasi itu awalnya memang khawatir. Namun, lanjutnya, tak ada pilihan lain karena mau tidak mau nomor teleponnya akan tersebar bila memanfaatkan jasa ojek aplikasi.

"Awalnya khawatir, tetapi ya sekarang percaya saja deh. Ya habis kalau enggak pakai nomor HP, bisa komunikasi (sama pengojek) lewat apa lagi," ujarnya.
: Robertus Belarminus
: Desy Afrianti

Contoh Kasus : Persaingan Sempurna
Harga Daging Sapi Masih Tinggi di Pasar TradisionalCopy Link
Sejumlah pedagang daging sapi menyebutkan, kenaikan harga akan terjadi lagi empat hari menjelang Lebaran, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta, Kamis (24/7/2014) (Liputan6.com/Miftahul Hayat)
Liputan6.com, Jakarta - Harga daging sapi di pasar tradisional hingga saat ini masih terhitung tinggi. Padahal sebelumnya para pedagang sempat menggelar mogok berjualan daging pada 9-12 Agustus 2015 lalu. Arman, salah satu pedagang daging sapi di PD Pasar Jaya Pasar Buncit, Jakarta Selatan mengatakan, sejak aksi mogok lalu, harga daging sapi tidak mengalami penurunan yang signifikan.
"Mogok kemarin tidak pengaruh, harganya daging tetap saja tinggi," ujar Arman saat berbincang dengan Liputan6.com di Jakarta, Rabu (9/9/2015).
Dia mengungkapkan, sebelum para pedagang menggelar mogok pada bulan lalu, harga daging sapi berada pada kisaran Rp 140 ribu-Rp 130 ribu per kg. Sedangkan saat ini harga daging masih sebesar Rp 120 ribu per kg.
"Waktu itu saya jual Rp 130 ribu per kg, sekarang Rp 120 ribu. Cuma turun Rp 10 ribu. Daging kalau sudah naik memang susah turunnya," kata dia.Namun, berbeda dengan harga ayam potong. Meski sempat melakukan mogok berjualan pada 17-18 Agustus 2015 lalu, kini harga ayam potong turun dari Rp 40 ribu menjadi Rp 25 ribu-Rp 30 ribu per ekor.
"Ayam harganya turun, dibanding waktu itu sudah turun banyak. Sekarang Rp 25 ribu untuk yang kecil. Normalnya memang segitu," kata Laila, salah satu pedagang ayam potong PD Pasar Jaya Pasar Buncit, Jakarta Selatan. (Dny/Ahm)

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